SGI Varsity Update 1998 August
SGI Varsity Update 1998 August.iso
Text File
88 lines
<!-- $Id: iso3amso.ent 1.1 1995/12/18 02:43:18 glf Exp $-->
<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
"ISO 9573-13:1991//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Ordinary //EN">
<!ENTITY ang SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=208">
<!ENTITY empty SDATA "font=cmsy10 charset=fontspecific code=59 TeX='\???? ' descr='[empty]'" --/emptyset - zero, slash-->
<!ENTITY emptyv SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=198">
<!ENTITY image SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=193">
<!ENTITY imath SDATA "font=cmmi10 charset=fontspecific code=123 TeX='\???? ' descr='[imath]'" --/imath - small i, no dot-->
<!ENTITY jmath SDATA "font=cmmi10 charset=fontspecific code=124 TeX='\???? ' descr='[jmath]'" --/jmath - small j, no dot-->
<!ENTITY real SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=194">
<!ENTITY weierp SDATA "font=symbol charset=fontspecific code=195">
<!-- The following characters could not be defined using commonly available
fonts. Therefore, EBT is using placeholders for these characters. To include
the placeholders in your document, make sure that the marked section below has
the keyword "INCLUDE".
To ignore the placeholders, use the keyword "IGNORE". If you are ignoring this
marked section and your SGML document references any of the entities declared
below, you will get (non-fatal) mkbook errors, and the entity references will
not be replaced.
Finally, you may choose to define the entities below yourself, using a special
font that will be available to readers of your DynaText books. Use the same
SDATA entity declaration model as is used above, substituting the appropriate
names and decimal numbers for font, charset, code, and descr. In that case, you
should INCLUDE the marked section.
See Chapter 7 of Publisher Guide, Volume 1 for more information. -->
<!ENTITY ange CDATA "[ange ]" --angle, equal-->
<!ENTITY angmsd CDATA "[angmsd ]" --/measuredangle - angle-measured-->
<!ENTITY angmsdaa CDATA "[angmsdaa]" --angle-measured, arrow, up, right-->
<!ENTITY angmsdab CDATA "[angmsdab]" --angle-measured, arrow, up, left-->
<!ENTITY angmsdac CDATA "[angmsdac]" --angle-measured, arrow, down, right-->
<!ENTITY angmsdad CDATA "[angmsdad]" --angle-measured, arrow, down, left-->
<!ENTITY angmsdae CDATA "[angmsdae]" --angle-measured, arrow, right, up-->
<!ENTITY angmsdaf CDATA "[angmsdaf]" --angle-measured, arrow, left, up-->
<!ENTITY angmsdag CDATA "[angmsdag]" --angle-measured, arrow, right, down-->
<!ENTITY angmsdah CDATA "[angmsdah]" --angle-measured, arrow, left, down-->
<!ENTITY angrtvb CDATA "[angrtvb ]" --right angle-measured-->
<!ENTITY angrtvbd CDATA "[angrtvbd]" --right angle-measured, dot-->
<!ENTITY bbrk CDATA "[bbrk ]" --bottom square bracket-->
<!ENTITY bbrktbrk CDATA "[bbrktbrk]" --bottom above top square bracket-->
<!ENTITY bemptyv CDATA "[bemptyv ]" --reversed circle, slash-->
<!ENTITY beth CDATA "[beth ]" --/beth - beth, Hebrew-->
<!ENTITY boxbox CDATA "[boxbox ]" --two joined squares-->
<!ENTITY bprime CDATA "[bprime ]" --/backprime - reverse prime-->
<!ENTITY bsemi CDATA "[bsemi ]" --reverse semi-colon-->
<!ENTITY cemptyv CDATA "[cemptyv ]" --circle, slash, small circle above-->
<!ENTITY cirE CDATA "[cirE ]" --circle, two horizontal stroked to the right-->
<!ENTITY cirscir CDATA "[cirscir ]" --circle, small circle to the right-->
<!ENTITY comp CDATA "[comp ]" --/complement - complement sign-->
<!ENTITY daleth CDATA "[daleth ]" --/daleth - daleth, Hebrew-->
<!ENTITY demptyv CDATA "[demptyv ]" --circle, slash, bar above-->
<!ENTITY ell CDATA "[ell ]" --/ell - cursive small l-->
<!ENTITY gimel CDATA "[gimel ]" --/gimel - gimel, Hebrew-->
<!ENTITY iiota CDATA "[iiota ]" --inverted iota-->
<!ENTITY laemptyv CDATA "[laemptyv]" --circle, slash, left arrow above-->
<!ENTITY lltri CDATA "[lltri ]" --lower left triangle-->
<!ENTITY lrtri CDATA "[lrtri ]" --lower right triangle-->
<!ENTITY mho CDATA "[mho ]" --/mho - conductance-->
<!ENTITY nang CDATA "[nang ]" --not, vert, angle-->
<!ENTITY nexist CDATA "[nexist ]" --/nexists - negated exists-->
<!ENTITY oS CDATA "[oS ]" --/circledS - capital S in circle-->
<!ENTITY plank CDATA "[plank ]" --/hbar - Planck's over 2pi-->
<!ENTITY plankv CDATA "[plankv ]" --/hslash - variant Planck's over 2pi-->
<!ENTITY raemptyv CDATA "[raemptyv]" --circle, slash, right arrow above-->
<!ENTITY range CDATA "[range ]" --reverse angle, equal-->
<!ENTITY tbrk CDATA "[tbrk ]" --top square bracket-->
<!ENTITY trpezium CDATA "[trpezium]" --trapezium-->
<!ENTITY ultri CDATA "[ultri ]" --upper left triangle-->
<!ENTITY urtri CDATA "[urtri ]" --upper right triangle-->
<!ENTITY vzigzag CDATA "[vzigzag ]" --vertical zig-zag line-->